Patterns of Willingness to Pay (WTP) and Factors Affecting Turmeric as an Immunomodulator during the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Village of Kiringan, Bantul, Yogyakarta


  • Fitri Andriani Fatimah Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Industry Halal, Nahdlatul Ulama University Yogyakarta, Lowanu Street, Sorosutan, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta City, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55162.
  • Listiana Hidayati Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Industry Halal, Nahdlatul Ulama University Yogyakarta, Lowanu Street, Sorosutan, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta City, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55162.


Village of Kiringan, Willingness to Pay, Contingent Valuation Methode, Tumeric, COVID-19


Herbal products can be used as alternative immunomodulators during the Covid-19 pandemic. One of the traditional medicinal ingredients that are immunomodulators is turmeric. Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) contains curcumin which has acted as an immunomodulator. There are consumers who switch to using turmeric herbal products empirically proven to have benefits for the body because they can increase immunity. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of the people in Kirringan Hamlet, to calculate the value of willingness to pay (WTP) for turmeric and to find out the factors that influenced the value of WTP during the Covid-19 pandemic. The number of samples used was 276 respondents. Primary data is then analyzed descriptively, and WTP analysis with the Contingent Valuation Modeling (CVM) approach, while the Analysis of the relationship
between demographic factors and the unqualified turmeric during the Covid-19 pandemic in Kirringan Bantul Hamlet used the Chi-square method. From the research, it was found that they were female, aged 36-45 years, most of them graduated from high school and income < Rp. 1,000,000, and most of them work as labourers. The Turmeric WTP value is Rp. 9,583 per kilogram with a total Turmeric WTP value of Rp.8,490,833 per month and there is a significant relationship between age, gender, education and income to PAPs.


