Optimization of Alginate from Brown Algae (Sargassum polycystum) and Aloe vera base gel in Sprayable Hydrogel containing Snail Mucus (Achatina fulica) to Increase Skin Moisture


  • Endang Diyah Ikasari Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Farmasi Yayasan Pharmasi Semarang
  • Ungsari Rizki Eka Purwanto Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Farmasi Yayasan Pharmasi Semarang


snail mucus, alginate, brown algae, aloe vera, sprayable hydrogel


Dry skin is a problem for millions of people, often causing discomfort and emotional distress may be affected. Among the several factors that cause dry skin, the occurrence of skin dehydration is the most dominant factor. Snail mucus is known to contain allantoin as a skin nutrient. In addition, alginate from brown algae and Aloe vera flesh are two natural moisturizer outright as gelling agent that have great potential to support treat skin dehydration along with snail mucus. Increasing the effectiveness of therapy can be achieved if the two ingredients are formulated into cosmetic dosage forms, one of which is sprayable hydrogel. Therefore, this study aims to determine the percentage of alginate from brown algae and aloe vera base gel which produce snail mucus sprayable hydrogel with the most optimal physical characteristics to increase skin moisture. The method used to optimize
alginate of brown algae and aloe vera base gel was the Simplex Lattice Design method with Design Expert software version 10.0.1 with a usage range of 0-30% for each. Optimization parameters include viscosity, spray ability, adhesion, and pH tests. Determination of the optimum formula was obtained using the Design Expert version 10.0.1 software and validated by the T-test, subsequently preparation stability test using the cycling test method, skin irritation and skin moisture test on volunteers of optimum formula were carried out. The cycling stability test results showed that the sprayable hydrogel preparation with the optimum formula is stable. The results of the skin moisture test on volunteers showed an increase in skin moisture of 31.21+12.51% after 10 days of using sprayable hydrogel preparations. No erythema or edema was observed in the skin irritation test confirming the sprayable hydrogel was nontoxic and safe

Author Biography

Endang Diyah Ikasari, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Farmasi Yayasan Pharmasi Semarang

Dry skin is a problem for millions of people, often causing discomfort and emotional distress may be
affected. Among the several factors that cause dry skin, the occurrence of skin dehydration is the most dominant factor. Snail mucus is known to contain allantoin as a skin nutrient. In addition, alginate from brown algae and Aloe vera flesh are two natural moisturizer outright as gelling agent that have great potential to support treat skin dehydration along with snail mucus. Increasing the effectiveness of therapy can be achieved if the two ingredients are formulated into cosmetic dosage forms, one of which is sprayable hydrogel. Therefore, this study aims to determine the percentage of alginate from brown algae and aloe vera base gel which produce snail mucus sprayable hydrogel with the most optimal physical characteristics to increase skin moisture. The method used to optimize alginate of brown algae and aloe vera base gel was the Simplex Lattice Design method with Design Expert software version 10.0.1 with a usage range of 0-30% for each. Optimization parameters include viscosity, spray ability, adhesion, and pH tests. Determination of the optimum formula was obtained using the Design Expert version 10.0.1 software and validated by the T-test, subsequently preparation stability test using the cycling test method, skin irritation and skin moisture test on volunteers of optimum formula were carried out. The cycling stability test results showed that the sprayable hydrogel preparation with the optimum formula is stable. The results of the skin moisture test on volunteers showed an increase in skin moisture of 31.21+12.51% after 10 days of using sprayable hydrogel preparations. No erythema or edema was observed in the skin irritation test confirming the sprayable hydrogel was nontoxic and safe.


