Prescription of screening in diabetes mellitus patiens at The Goa Ria Clinic


  • Ferna Indrayani Pharmacy Department, STIKES Nani Hasanuddin, Indonesia
  • Rahmatullah Muin Pharmacy Department, STIKES Nani Hasanuddin, Indonesia


Prescription, medication error, diabetes mellitus


Services of prescribing are very important provided by a pharmacist to avoid drug errors such as medication error. it was caused by incompatibility issues of the components in the prescribing request before the drug dispensed directly to the patient. Medication errors is one of the causes that can endanger patient safety through inappropriate medication used. However, the incidents can be avoided by screening of prescriptions. This study aimed to examine the administrative, pharmaceutical and clinical of prescribing for diabetic mellitus patients at Goa Ria Clinic, Makassar City according to pharmaceutical requirments in clinic. This research method is descriptive by collecting retrospectively method through observation on prescriptions at July 2021 in Goa Ria Clinic, Makassar City. The study population was included all prescriptions for patients with diabetes mellitus
from the Goa Ria Clinic in Makassar City, while the sample. The data were obtained on secondary evidence sources through prescriptions directly given by pharmacist, then prescriptions was sorted and adjusted for the period July 2021. The results were conducted at Goa Ria Clinic in Makassar for period July with the samples of 42 prescriptions with patients diagnosed diabetes mellitus. The results were based on these 3 aspects, so calculating the average rate of errors or incompleteness that can lead to drug errors is an administrative was 28.90%, Therefore, this study conclusion was exhibited accept the pharmaceutical requirements and the drug error index of NCMERP of category C, and the rate of using the most used antidiabetic drug at the Goa Ria clinic was metformin of 71.43%.


