Isolation of Secondary Metabolic Compounds Papaya Leaf Ethanol Extract (Carica papaya L ) As Antidiabetic


  • Sri Yolandari Pharmacy Department, Politeknik Baubau, Baubau, Indonesia.
  • Irwan R. Pharmacy Department, Politeknik Baubau, Baubau, Indonesia.


Papaya leaves, isolation, Antidiabetic


Diabetes mellitus is the most common metabolic syndrome worldwide with an incidence of 1-8%.. In recent years, plant secondary metabolites have been widely studied as sources of medicinal agents. Treatment of diabetes mellitus can be done medically with modern drugs and injections, but because of the high cost of medical treatment this is sometimes difficult. Diabetes mellitus can
also be overcome with natural remedies by utilizing medicinal plants. Therefore, traditional medicine with medicinal plants is an alternative step to overcome it. So in this study, the extraction and isolation of compounds on papaya leaves will be carried out to obtain secondary metabolites as new antidiabetic compounds. In this study, tests were carried out to determine the secondary
metabolites produced. The tests that will be carried out include maceration of papaya leaves, identification of flavonoids, separation of flavonoid compounds, purification using preparative thin layer chromatography (TLC), isolate spectroscopy. The results of the research in this study were that there were flavonoids in the ethanol extract of papaya leaves, and flavonoid stains at TLC with a wavelength of 365 nm were clearly visible, and there were 3 bands indicating that there were flavonoids in the ethanol extract of papaya leaves at a wavelength of 200. nm - 600 nm using a spectrophotometer. Based on the results of research that has been carried out on the ethanol extract of papaya leaves, it is known that the ethanol extract of papaya leaves contains flavonoid compounds as evidenced by the formation of positive results in the initial identification of flavonoids, then column chromatography test until the spectrophotometric test contains flavonoid compounds, so one The compound structure contained in the ethanol extract of papaya leaves that has the potential to be an antidiabetic is the structure of flavonoid compounds in general.


